St Mary’s Haversham and St Leonard’s Little Linford
Joe Geary 01908 510289
Fi Jones 07946 615218
Richard Jones, 07767 643513,
St Peter’s Tyringham with Filgrave
Marion Hansford: 01234 711566,
All Saints Emberton
Maddi Forrester 07769 923787
Sheila Watts 07703 279165
Warwick Clarke,
Messy church for children and families
Messy church is tables of craft activities centred around a story of Jesus. Then a story, song and prayer and then free lunch (there will always be enough even if you don't bring anything!)
Lots of fun, meet your friends, free refreshments throughout.
COLIN will be there
Contact Joanna on 07989821436 for date of next one.
Christmas across the LAMP group
DEC 3rd
Morning Worship
DEC 3rd
Haversham Green - CAROLS ON THE GREEN
Morning Service
CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL REFRESHMENTS & Children's Crafts and meet the curate
Christmas Eve
Morning Service
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
CHRISTMAS DAY all-age Communion
7th Jan
Morning Service
DEC 3rd
Holy Communion
Bring a crib
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
CHRISTMAS DAY Family service
7th Jan
Something Else on Sunday!
Holy Communion
Christmas Day
CHRISTMAS DAY All-age Communion
7th Jan
Holy Communion
Christmas Eve
Holy Communion
Safeguarding in church
We take safeguarding of all people seriously. We must be a church where anyone can walk in and know that they will not be harmed, abused, bullied or exploited.
We require a variety of on-line training, face-to-face training and criminal record checks on all those who hold responsible positions in the church who may consequently come into contact with vulnerable adults or young people.
The Diocese has a policy on Safeguarding which we follow, and we have our own policy too. There are two elements to ensuring those who have particular responsibilities are 'safe'. These elements are
checking there is no criminal record which might make it impossible for a particular person to undertake some responsibility. This requires a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate, and
training the person with responsibility to an appropriate level in safeguarding issues
Please contact our safeguarding officers, in the first instance, if you have any questions or wish to report an incident. Alternatively, contact the priest. Haversham & Little LinfordTyringhamEmberton
Mission and ministry into the future
In or around 2024 there is likely to be a change in the grouping of churches in the deanery. The question was - do we stand still for three years or move on seeking God's plans and joining in. An answer came back, strongly, that we move on in mission and ministry.
A draft plan, still to be updated by PCCs, ministry team and worship teams - hopefully before the end of November 2021, can be found here.
If you would like to contribute your thoughts to the plan, please email or talk to your wardens or myself -
Faculty plans for Little Linford are available here: 123
Kimonie's LENT podcasts
Revd. Kimonie has prepared a talk for each day of Lent for the Lamp churches, based on the Church of England Lent programme.
Click on the button for the day you would like to hear. Recordings start on 14th Feb, Ash Wednesday
1 - 1 talk about faith
Whether you have never had a Christian faith, or have been a Christian for many years, there are times when it is good to explore or dust-off our faith.
Living a life that includies faith is not a popular choice in our world. Many prefer to live without any connection with their own spirituality. But if we are to be healthy individuals then that health includes mental, physical and
spiritual health. We readily ask difficult questions about a new pain in our body
or seek help when we suffer clinical depression, so being 'well with our soul' is just as important.
So, come and meet with me and let's talk - let's together explore the questions that need answers.
Discover new faith or MOT your old faith - let's arrange a time by sending an email to or on the phone: 07883717642.
Adrian Low
UKRAINE anniversary
Friday February 24th is exactly one year after the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Profound evil is being done to the people of that country. Families on both sides are grieving for relatives caught up in an illegal and devastating war. Russia has only the support of the most oppressive and tyrannical regimes in the world, North Korea, Syria and Iran and that, itself, suggests how wrong this war is. I am a Christian priest, so it is with deepest shame I see the lack of courage of the leaders of the Russian Orthodox church in Russia, that bless the warmongers and think the command of Jesus to love one's neighbour is ignorable and somehow implemented in pounding their homes, villages, towns and cities to rubble and massacring the people.
All Saints church in Emberton is so named because it celebrates all saints, not least Volodymyr of Kyiv. He was a man who brought Christianity to the country and brought harmony and peace to a wild west of clans. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is named after him. We will celebrate Saint Volodymyr and the lives of all those we have come to love in the UK as refugees from the war. We will pray for that harmony and peace on Friday 24th February at 11am at All Saints Emberton. We will hear the stories, listen to the music and pray in both English and Ukrainian. All who wish for the end of that war are welcome.
Following the service, refreshments will be available.
Adrian Low
Zoom Lent Talking Heads
A new zoom Lent character drama/Bible study based on the passion story from Luke's gospel (the one we are studying in our worship this year).
From 8pm on Ash Wednesday (2nd March) for 45 minutes, then every Wednesday evening up to and including the Wednesday of Easter week, then Good Friday, same time, 8pm.
The text for the monologues etc. can be downloaded here
and the zoom link (open from 7.55 each evening) is
Please email me if you are willing to be an 'actor'. I hope to get eight - the LAMP drama group! (no acting skill required, gender irrelevent!). First come first served.
This will be LIVE at 8pm each day - so come and just watch - or participate - or act one of the Talking Heads.
Adrian Low
Giving is part of the Christain's joy and discipline. When you are able to support the work of the church and the maintaining of the building, then please do so.
The income goes to support the mission and ministry in our rural parishes, it means we can keep the buildings strong and comfortable for use not only on Sunday but for many other activities.
Much of it also goes to other charities, supported by the church, local, national and international.
We particularly welcome regular direct giving where we are able to claim up to 28% of your gift from the inland revenue, if you pay tax.
Please contact our treasurers (see contact menu option) if you are able to GIFT AID your gift, or if you wish to include a gift to the church in your will.
Obviously we would appreciate regular giving, and the Parish Giving Scheme will do a direct debit but index link your donation every year, so it retains its value. You can find more about that here:
St Mary's Haversham PCC, Sort Code 30 15 53 Account number 01526486
Parochial Church Council of Little Linford, Sort Code 30 15 53 Account number 01526605
All Staints Emberton PCC, Sort code 02 05 74, Account number 20356913
St Peter's Tyringham & Filgrave PCC, Sort code 20 57 44, account number 13793605 (new a/c Nov '23)
And thanks for your gift - whatever it is, whenever you give. It is much appreciated.
Adrian Low
About the Lamp group of churches
A unique group of beautiful village Anglican (Church of England) churches - both people and buildings - located just north of Milton Keynes and to the west and north of Newport Pagnell, ranging in their Christian worship from the most traditional English expressions of church worship from Thomas Cranmer's 1662 Book of Common Prayer, with the
language and traditions that go alongside it, to the most modern language and worship totally connected with today's fast and furious world.
The churches offer challenges to the thinking person and an expression of joy for those who want worship to flow over them.
All the churches are equipped to care for the communities in which they exist - indeed there are no other churches in any of the villages, so each is a spiritual centres for the community.
We hope whoever - Christian or not, with a faith or not, all
will find a new spritual health and glimpse the light of Christ in a church in the lamp benefice. For Christians, we hope you can find a comfortable challenging style of worship and
fellowship here. Why not do the Ouse pilgrimage through the ages, and meet the people, let the music, laughter, tradition and joy flood into your soul and discover the surprising God connections you make.
Take a journey alongside of us, rediscover a side of your life you lost. Visit us. We guarantee a welcome.
Events in the next three weeks
Sun 16th
9:30:Tyringham w Filgrave Morning Prayer, traditional 11:00:Haversham Holy Communion 18:00:Emberton Evening Prayer/Evensong
Sun 23rd
9:30:Little Linford Holy Communion 11:00:Haversham Morning Worship 11:00:Emberton Café Church
Weddings in the Lamp group of churches
Weddings are a wonderful expression of love, part of the great heritage of humanity and Christianity in particular, and with 'God is love' being a central theme of John's gospel in the Bible, where is a better place to be married, to make life-long vows, than in a church.
And we have four beautiful churches.
If you want to get married in one of our churches then we would be excited to help. Legally you have to have 'qualifying connections' to the parish where the church is situated, and if you do - that is great. Obviously if you live, or have lived in the parish
that counts. Otherwise you can either (a) come to worship in the parish church, regularly (we keep a register!) or (b) do the legal bits at a registry office in the morning and have your wedding blessing in any of the churches in the afternoon.
Whatever you decide, the priest will meet twice with you before the wedding, there will be a practice (usually the day before), you will be able to choose music and some readings, and some of our churches will provide a choir and bell ringers.
Of course there are fees - the Church of England uses the money to keep the church available serving the community - and the fees are the same across most Church of England churches.
We produce a wedding brochure which you can download here. Or contact the priest or churchwardens for more information and an informal chat. (see the contacts menu).
More on the legislative requirement can be found here
To mark the end of a person's life, family and friends come together to express grief to give thanks for the life lived and to commend the person into God's keeping. These can be small, quiet ceremonies in a local crematorium, or a large occasion in a packed church.
If you wish to discuss a funeral, please contact Adrian, the priest on 07883 717642 or speak to one of the churchwardens (see contact page).
We will visit you before the funeral, try to get to know more about the life of the person who has died and work with you and the funeral director on the content of the service. Typically there will be music of your choice at the entrance and exit, a Eulogy either from the priest or written and (if you wish) spoken by you, poems and hymns.
There will be prayers, a reading from the Bible and an address, the Lord's Prayer and a Commendation, Committal and Blessing. The service length (without hymns but with a short eulogy) is usually about 25 minutes.
You may decide that you would like a card printed for the service, and that can be organised by the Funeral Director.
We will offer to visit you after the service if required. We are alway happy to pray for you and with you, and we will include the name of the person who has died in the names read out at our Memorial services, which are the first Sunday in November (just after All Saints day).
Should you wish for someone to come and visit to have a Christian praying with them, or just to talk about what will happen when they die, then please contact us.
Preaching the gospel
Sunday Sermons
It is not always possible for those who would wish to be at church on a Sunday, to be there, so here are some (not all!) sermon notes - for what they're worth!
We follow what is called the Revised Common Lectionary, which is very similar to the readings being read in many churches at the same time throughout the world. Each year has a gospel book as a theme to the seasons. 2019 was Luke, Advent 2019 onwards was Matthew
and Advent 2020 onwards is Mark. Advent 2021 onwards is back to Luke. There is a continuity about the teaching from the gospel writers which is useful to follow.
Sermons, of course, depend on delivery, on the hearers and the readings as much as content, so although the sermons are briefly outlined here, they are never going to be the same as being part of the community that
is praying 'Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of all our hearts come from you, O Lord.'
Our preaching is deeply rooted in the Bible, but speaks in our own context and the rationality of today. It is always about love and good news, because nothing beats the opportunity to live an abundant life walking with Christ.
You are welcome to use the material in any non-detrimental way!
Adrian Low, Priest for the Lamp group of churches
Blooming Awkward Questions
Is there a God at all, and if so where is the evidence?
In a world where a tyrant can cause global inflation, food shortages, the death of cities and 14 million refugees - what is God doing?
What is the Bible? What is its value? Is all of it equally valuable?
30% of those who don't come to church think that the church is homophobic, judgemental or hypocritical. If this is true of the church it is a dreadful indictment? So is it true?
Come and explore blooming awkward questions. 7.30 Wednesday evenings EMBERTON BELL AND BEAR PUB Wednesdays from 5th October 2022 No charge!
Baptism/Christening in the Lamp group of churches
All the churches welcome individuals, families, children – all ages to be baptised. Whoever is baptised (=christened) is dedicated to God, begins a new journey of faith, joins the largest faith community the world has ever seen and God’s Spirit rests,
in a new and special way on the individual. If it is a child being baptised then parents and godparents formally take on the responsibility for the spiritual development of the child, and make significant promises.
Baptism normally takes place during the worship of the church on a Sunday morning. Being in with the rest of the church is important as the church community joyfully welcomes the newly baptised into the church family.
For the baptised, this is a start of a new journey in faith, so baptism in one of the Lamp group churches, and most other churches, involves some preparation to help the first steps through the purpose and promises.
We’ll arrange a preparation time for you/parents/godparents to attend and we’ll invite you to worship with us in church at least twice in the weeks before your baptism.
Baptism - old or young - is free (though donations are always welcome!). People choose to be, or have their children baptised for lots of different reasons. God’s presence and love are key as you and your godparents make lifelong promises,
sharing the moment with your friends and family. One way or another God has prompted you to do this and so is overseeing the preparation, the service and will be walking this new journey with you.
You may have been christened when you were younger than you can remember. Those were times when your parents or guardians promised to look after you and raise you in the Christian faith.
Now, however old you are, you may want to make your own commitment to be a Christian, to lead a Christian life, to love, forgive, be open–hearted and try to follow the way that Jesus taught to his disciples.
On Sunday 11th December 2022 at Emberton (one of the LAMP group of churches) the Bishop of Buckingham will conduct a confirmation service, when you can confirm your faith in a very special way.
If you would like to be confirmed, or reaffirm your faith, then please let me know as soon as possible.
Send me an email.
There will be four evenings of preparation in November – Mondys at 11am at Little Linford or Wednesdays at 6.15 at the Bell and Bear in Emberton (so that you know what will happen and understand the promises you will make).
If you have already done 'Blooming Awkward Questions' then you don't need to come to all of the evenings, but you are welcome to come to them all.
You can download the October 23rd 2022 LAMP newsletter from here
Worship in the Lamp group of churches
Tyringham Holy Communion
Haversham Parish Praise
Emberton Something Else on Sunday
Little Linford Morning Prayer
Emberton Holy Communion Childrens’ Church Haversham Morning Worship
Tyringham Morning Prayer
Haversham Holy Communion
Emberton Evensong
Little Linford Holy Communion
Emberton Parish Praise / Café Church Haversham Morning Worship
Haversham with Little Linford Tyringham LAMP United Service
4th Sunday at Emberton – Café Church alternates with Parish Praise.
Readings for Sundays 2024: click here and for 2025 click here